Sunday, November 9, 2008

A forgotten Moment ...

I had forgot to post what happened to me about a week ago when I decided to go to the Second Cup at the Downtown Library in Edmonton. Every Tuesday night there USED to be an open stage there. In fact it is still advertised as running (Thanks Ron Taylor for not up dating). Any way, I head on down there expecting to see some of the great talent found in Edmonton and to my surprise there was no open stage. So When you are given Lemons you make Lemonaide !
I proceeded to the back side of the Library (Outside) where there is a Big stage there and I Performed for a solid hour. Got plenty of compliments from people passing by and from the local Intoxicants. But I did realize that you have to be able to perform no matter what the situation. And for those of you out there who don't take your performing or playing music seriously then You will never reap the benefits of a life long passion. If fact. if you don't take it seriously then why are you doing it ? And why are you wasting others time who are in it for the Long haul and are serious and passionate about what they do ?
Questions that should be answered before you start practicing or getting on stage.
Don't get me wrong ! Yes it is fun but it is also a lot of hard work. And you can not surround yourself with people who "Don't take it serious". Those People will drain you and waste your valuable time.
Surround yourself with people who take every minute of being in a band or playing on stage and most importantly Practicing Seriously !!!
Until later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the VERY first question any artist should ask themselves is "Do I have talent". And you have to be honest with yourself.

You can have all of the "want-to" in the world, but if you don't have any sort of bankable talent music isn't for you. It's a sad but true thing.

Bring out the beer